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Women in Health Care

By Admin | October 02, 2017

Of the women who work and have kids under 18, 94 percent of those women make healthcare decisions for people other than themselves. They research doctors, ailments, hospitals, insurance, and everything else that comes with monitoring someone’s health.

So why aren’t more women making health care decisions at a hospital administrator level? Or on a congressional level? It only seems logical that women, who make up over 50 percent of the U.S. population and make an overwhelming majority of decisions about everyone’s care get some say in legislation and how things work.

But the reality is that in 2015, women made up a mere 21 percent of executives and board members at Fortune 500 healthcare companies. And women hold only 20 percent of seats in the US House of Representatives and 21 percent of positions in the US Senate. And not a single woman was involved in the group tasked with creating a new healthcare bill.

For more statistics and reasons why more women are needed in the top of health care, read “Make more room at the table for women in health care” by The Hill.

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