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Axis Neuromonitoring Axis Neuromonitoring

Surgalign launches Holo AI Insights for neurovascular research

By Admin | May 05, 2023

Surgalign launched Holo AI Insights for neurovascular research, the medtech company said May 8.

Holo AI Insights is an artificial intelligence platform designed for automated medical image analysis, according to a news release. Surgalign partnered with Brian Jankowitz, MD, for the launch.

"Most of the AI work done in the neurovascular space has focused on acute care with CT imaging and doesn’t help with measurement," Dr. Jankowitz said in the release. "HOLO AI Insights can automate volumetric analysis of vascular structures on MRI, which is a big leap forward in efficiency and more applicable to longitudinal...(More)

For more info please read, Surgalign launches Holo AI Insights for neurovascular research, by Becker's Spine Review

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