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Axis Neuromonitoring Axis Neuromonitoring

Health spending trends from June 2016

By Admin | September 14, 2016

The Altarum Institute's Center for Sustainable Health Spending released a report titled “Health Sector Economic Indicators” which highlights eight trends in the sector. All findings are from June 2016.

  1. National health spending hit $3.36 trillion.
  2. In the first six months of the year, health spending grew at a rate of 5.3 percent, compared to 5.5 percent in the first six months of 2015.
  3. The health spending share of gross domestic product was 18.3 percent.
  4. Healthcare prices were 1.6 percent higher than in June 2015.
  5. Year-over-year hospital price growth held a 1 percent rate and drug price growth increased to 4.4 percent.
  6. The healthcare industry introduced 43,200 new jobs in July, which ranked higher than the 12-month average of 39,700 new jobs monthly.
  7. While health jobs increased 3.2 percent year-over-year, non-health jobs grew 1.6 percent.
  8. Health employment accounted for 10.78 percent of total employment.

For more information, read “Health spending reached $3.36T in June — 8 more statistics” on Becker’s ASC Review.

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