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Barriers to surgical robotics adoption

By Admin | February 18, 2023

The surgical robotics industry has quadrupled to more than US$3 billion and is positioned to continue to balloon throughout the next decade.

According to a Bain & Company report on the state of robotics as used in healthcare, 78% of surgeons surveyed expressed interest in surgical robotics, however, only 53% were currently using them. Currently, general surgery is the most advanced surgical robotics technology, however, indicators suggest that orthopaedics and neurosurgery will grow substantially.

Mayuri Shah, a partner at Bain & Company says orthopaedics and neurosurgery benefit from technology and training that are already happening with medical residents.

“With the technology and training accessible for many of these specialities, such as spinal surgeries, usage is bound to accelerate significantly in the near future. In addition to increased training, OEMs can leverage existing surgical robotic platforms where there is familiarity and usage for new surgeries and specialities,” she added.

Technology, innovation and artificial intelligence continue to have a significant influence on surgical robotics. While some specialities have the platforms and the training today, even the areas that look to be slower to adopt have strong opportunities. For example, soft robotics could eventually solve difficult access and navigation issues in endovascular surgery.

Successful med-tech companies and OEMs will take a customer-centric approach to...(More)

For more info please read, Barriers to surgical robotics adoption, by Futureiot

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